Vorträge/ Poster
Sandbothe M.Gesundes Lehren und Lernen an der Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, Fachtagung der Techniker Krankenkasse in Kooperation mit der Universität Augusburg, Achtsamkeit als Erfolgsfaktor? Innovative Wege zur gesunden Hochschule, Universität Augusburg, 28. September 2017.
Sandbothe M. Gesundes Lehren und Lernen: Achtsamkeit als Grundhaltung (Workshop zusammen mit PD Dr. Reyk Albrecht), Arbeitsgrupe wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (AGWW). Ein Verbund hessischer Hochschulen, Martin-Niemöller-Haus, Schmitten/Arnoldshain, 15.-16 März 2017.
Sandbothe M. Gesundes Lehren und Lernen: Achtsamkeit als Grundhaltung, Netzwerktreffen Achtsamkeit an Hochschulen, Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, 11. März 2017.
Schulz S, Cladera BL, Giraldo B, Bolz M, Bär KJ, and Voss A. Neuronal desynchronization as marker of an impaired brain network. 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Jeju Island, Korea, July 11 to 15, 2017
Schulz S, Bolz M, Bär KJ, and Voss A. Quantification of the central-autonomic-network applying normalized short-time partial directed coherence approach. 8th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation, Osaka, November 1-3, 2016.
Schulz S, Cladera BL, Giraldo B, Bär KJ, Bolz M, and Voss A. Impaired neuronal synchronization in schizophrenic patients. BMT 2016, "Dreiländertagung" Swiss, Austrian and German Societies of Biomedical Engineering, Basel, Swiss, October 4 – 6, 2016.
Schulz S, Juhé AS, Giraldo B, Bär KJ, Bolz M, Voss A. Linear and nonlinear causal coupling analyses between the central and autonomic nervous system in schizophrenia. ESGCO 2016, 9th conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations, Lancaster, UK, April 10-14, 2016.
Voss A. Forschung im Verbund. Tag der Forschung EAH Jena. 26. Oktober, 2016.
Voss A. Medizinische GLL‐Evaluation - Erste Ergebnisse. GLL-Symposium, Jena, 25. Oktober, 2016.
Voss A. Medizinische GLL‐Evaluation. Tag des Studiums EAH Jena. 24. Oktober, 2016.
Voss A, Gonzalez C, Fischer C, Koch E, Plange N, Kunert K. Changed central vascular regulation in glaucoma patients BMT 2016, "Dreiländertagung" Swiss, Austrian and German Societies of Biomedical Engineering, Basel, Swiss, October 4 – 6, 2016.
Voss A. Medizinische GLL‐Evaluation. GLL Inkubationsworkshop, Donndorf, 26.September, 2016.
Voss A, Fischer C, Gonzalez Martinez C, Koch E, Plange N, Kunert K. Identifying glaucoma patients by applying multivariate analyses of cardiovascular signals. 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Orlando, USA, August 16-20, 2016.
Voss A, Radon S, Fischer C, Valero M, Vallverdú M, Schroeder R, Peters A, and Perz S. Age and gender dependency of short-term QT indices. ESGCO 2016, 9th conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations, Lancaster, UK, April 10-14, 2016.
Huebner T, Koenig N, Schott T, Schroeder R, Voss A. Accuracy of pulse rate recordings with mobile devices. Cardiovascular Mobile Health Conference, Tabarz, Sept 24-25, 2015.
Koch E, Staab J, Fuest M, Witt K, Voss A, and Plange N. BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART RATE VARIABILITY TO DETECT VASCULAR DYSREGULATION IN GLAUCOMA. 6th World Glaucoma Congress, Hong Kong, China, June 6 – 9, 2015.
Schulz S, Haueisen J, Bär KJ, Voss A. Impaired cardiorespiratory coupling in patients with schizophrenia and their healthy first-degree relatives. BMT 2015, 49th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering. Lübeck, September 16-18, 2015.
Schulz S, Haueisen J, Bär KJ, and Voss A. Induced schizophrenic like breathing pattern leads to impaired cardiorespiratory coupling in healthy subjects. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.Milano, Italy, August 25-29, 2015.
Voss A. Application of an Electronic Nose System in Medicine. Sensor 2015, Changzhou, China, Oct 22-23, 2015.
Voss A, Fischer C, Steinbach D, Horstmann M, and Grimm MO. Smelling bladder cancer via an electronic nose: First results of a pilot study. BMT 2015, 49th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering. Lübeck, September 16-18, 2015.
Voss A, Schroeder R, Perz S, Peters A. Influence of age and gender on the short-term heart rate variability in KORA S4 healthy subjects.BMT 2015, 49th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering. Lübeck, September 16-18, 2015.